Gymnastics Rules and Policies

If for any reason your child does not feel well, please keep them home.

Please enter through Door #5 off of the parking lot.

Parents may escort their child to the appropriate gym but please do not enter either gym.

  • An instructor must be present before students may enter the Main Gym or the Mini-Gym (Room 124).
  • Only the enrolled student may be in the gym during class. Parents or visitors should not enter either gym. 
  • Our facility extends only as far as the restrooms in the hall. Everyone should remain at our end of the hall. 
  • If you arrive late for class or need assistance, please come to the Gym Office, Room 125.
  • No one should run, tumble, dance or practice in the hall or restrooms.
  • Food, drinks, candy or gum is not permitted in class.
  • We do not have a parent observation area. Doors are left open but we ask that you do not remain at the doors 
  • for the entire class as it is a distraction for the students, can interfere with instruction and often prevents participation. 
  • In compliance with USA Gymnastics Safe Sport and Response policy, picture taking or digital recording
  • of any type is never permitted while a class is in progress.
  • We ask that parents come to Door #5 or into the building to pick up their children at dismissal. 
  • We do not allow students to wait outside of the building and we do not want them wandering in the parking lot.
  • Students should come dressed ready for class. Proper attire is required. Inappropriate apparel must be changed or removed before a student will be permitted to participate. 
  •  Girls - one piece leotard without skirt or tutu or biketard/unitard.  No 2 piece outfits with bare midriffs even for toddlers. 
  •  Shorts may be worn over the leotard but it is preferred that leggings, tights or long pants not be worn.
  • Boys - shorts and fitted t-shirt 
  • Students may wear socks or work in bare feet. No shoes are permitted.
  • Long hair (regardless of age) must be secured away from the face. 
  •  For reasons of safety, please refrain from using hair accessories such as beads, head bands or large barrettes.
  •  Only small stud-type earrings may be worn. No other jewelry. 
  • Lockers are to be used for belongings. Shoes should be placed in front of the locker.   Children should not sit             or play in the lockers. 
  • Main Gym classes - Please have your child bring a bottle of water in a screw top bottle.
  • Please have your child use the bathroom and wash their hands before coming into the Gym. 
  • Only one child at a time will be able to use the Gym's restrooms.
  • There are no make-ups for missed classes.
  • Cell phones should not be brought to the Gym.
  • Report any injury first to the Instructor and then to the Gym Office before leaving the building.
  • Buffalo Turners' medical coverage is in excess of all other medical insurance. There is a deductible per occurrence.
  • It is important that we have appropriate phone numbers and email for you. Add our number and email to your contact list. 
  • Be sure your voice mail is set up and your mailbox is not full so messages can be left if necessary.

Hand sanitizer stations are installed in the building.

Please remind your child of the importance of not touching others or sharing any of their belongings!

If you have any questions, please email or call the Gym Office.

Gym Office hours effective September 9: 4-7:30pm Monday thru Thursday, Friday 4-6pm, Saturday 9am-1pm. 

What to Wear? 

  • Proper attire is required. Students wearing inappropriate apparel will not be permitted to participate.
  •  Students may wer socks or work in bare feet. No shoes can be worn.
  •  Hair must be tied back away from the face regardless of child's age. Please refrain from using hair accessories such as headbands, beads, flowers or large barretts. Hats cannot be worn.
  •  No jewlery with the exception of small stud-type pierced earrings. This includes bracelets, necklaces or anklets.


One-piece leotard even for toddlers, without skirts or tutus. No 2 piece outfits with bare midriffs or spaghetti straps!

Boys (3-5 Years Old)

Shots and fitted t-shirt. T-Shirt must be tucked in if the length extends past the waist.

If you have any questions, please email or call our office at (716) 877-2700.

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